Business Protection

We have extensive experience of helping businesses to identify potential financial threats and to ensure that strategies are put in place to minimise their impact.

Loss of key employees

For most businesses, whether large or small, their most valuable asset is their employees. But it is also important to be aware that there are usually one or two people whose loss through illness or injury could be potentially catastrophic for the company.

In some cases, there are obvious “key people” such as the top salesperson, account handler or the chief executive. But in some cases, there can be critical reliance on a systems manager, dispatch manager or the finance director. The loss of any one of these could damage operational effectiveness, customer satisfaction or even bank confidence.

We could help you identify who is critical to your business and then arrange cover that provides a lump sum or income to cover the cost of replacing them at short notice – which is invariably more expensive than their existing salaries!

Loss of shareholder or partner

The loss of a partner or shareholding director can be immensely damaging to a small business because ownership of the company can effectively be lost, if wills are not “correctly” set up.

We could help arrange a “company will” that ensure control of the business remains with the “right” people, whatever happens, and arrange any necessary insurance to ensure that families and other beneficiaries can be adequately compensated, where necessary.

Want to know more?

Call us for a friendly chat on (01305) 781225 or email: